Friday, August 27, 2010

And The Journey Begins...

I'm all moved in, unpacked, settled, and excited for this upcoming year at Florida Christian College.
After the worship session in the sub hall, meeting some amazing professors, and talking with other students; I do believe this is going to be a great year.
I had an opportunity yesterday to sit down with Professor Roland Howard and talk about the need for a "Real Church", about how the "Church" is missing a third of the link to the solution; The Holy Spirit. I believe it's time to stand up against the "Comfortable Church". While we sit in our cozy pews singing mundane songs to the Most High God, and preaching words that Timothy warned us against, there is a lost and dying world outside those walls. It's time to stop building prisons of religion and to build up the Body of Christ. (More of that later.)

I'm excited to have you follow my journey here at FCC.

David Oliver Willis

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